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Archive for Baskbetball

Viva Los Suns de Phoenix!

via Sly Oyster

To show unity with the Arizona immigrant and  Latino population who would be adversely affected by the new bill (SB 1070), Team owner Robert Sarver came up with the Los Suns Jerseys but left the final decision of wearing it on the court to the players. Which they wore yesterday.

I dunno, maybe its because I don’t live in a border state but I don’t see why people are making such a big deal about illegal immigrants. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for illegal immigration but at least they get stuff done whether its construction, landscaping, or whatever.  IMO  illegal immigration is a net positive. I’m also not down with the racial profiling people either. Its screwed up if cops start to pull over random people just because of the way they look.

My whole thing is that if an overwhelming amount of illegal immigrants-or machines for that matter- can take your job, you might wanna find a new profession. Just sayin.