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Archive for October, 2009

Mom Feeds Family on $4 a Week Using Coupons

via abc news

Kathy Spencer spends a couple of hours every week scanning newspapers, circulars and the Web.

Tip 1: Check Your Store’s Policy, See If You Can Use Multiple Coupons on the Same Order

Tip 2: Stockpile Store Credits

Tip 3: Ask Store About Doubled Coupons

Tip 4: Combine Store and Manufacturer Coupons

ESPN’s Bill Simmons Tells Stephen Colbert Why Baseball Is For People Over 50

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Bill Simmons is right on. The country I immigrated from was not really big on any of the three big American sports, but basketball was the first sport that I could get into. Believe me when I tell you how hard I TRIED to like baseball. I’d sit there and it would just bore me. (So did football until I played Madden and started understanding the rules.)

I think the vast majority of fans of baseball are guys who remember watching and playing the sport with their dads and the sport has sentimental value to them.

For those that say basketball popularity is in decline, you’re wrong. The sport’s popularity is rising across the world, in Asia and Europe especially. If you don’t believe me look how good the foreign teams are in the Olympics. Meanwhile baseball was removed from the Olympics, while they have BMX, table tennis, and badminton.

Just saw this funny clip by infomania

Kamal Meattle : How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air [TED]

Kamal Meattle shows how having 3 specific types of plants in your living space can greatly increase oxygen levels, hence your overall health and productivity. @ 1:56 Kamal also claims  that if you lived in a bottle these plants would produce all the air you need.

The Three Plants are:

  • The Areca Palm
  • Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
  • The Money Plant

Kamal Meattle three plants

Google’s Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years

I’m gonna try to buy all the Chinese character and Arabic character domain names I can, and just sit on them. Can you imagine the money someone could make selling the Mandarin translation of China.com or the Arabic translation of News.com? Mad Loot.

via HuffPost via ReadWriteWeb

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Some Key Points:

  • Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content.
  • Today’s teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years – they jump from app to app to app seamlessly.
  • Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance – and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away.
  • “We can index real-time info now – but how do we rank it?”


Here’s a report on the option to have non latin characters for domain names coming out next year.

I guess Eric Schmidt knew this was coming down the pipeline a while ago.

Dave Chappelle 2009 – on Depression Advice and “The Secret” [@ Laugh Factory]

“…The problem is you have bad attitude about starving to death.”

He still got it! In the clip Dave talks about people trying give him advice about dealing with the media, and his opinion on “the secret”.

This is just a short clip of the 5 hour set he did for the Laugh Factory when he and Dane Cook were going back and forth.  I’d much rather see Dave no matter how much free food Dane Cook gave me to watch him.

What are Satelites?

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Make 3-Bean Chili Quesadilla [Video]

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Windows 7 v.s. Vista

Build Your Own Solar Panels

Solar systems are expensive if you can’t build the solar panels yourself. Presently solar electricity cost so much it will take you 20-30 years to pay off.

PBS- The Market Maker: Eleni Gabre Madhin Creates First Commodity Market in Ethiopia [Full Episode]


While in college future economist Eleni Gabre-Madhin  watched the famine in her home country Ethiopia, where about a million people died of starvation. The most messed up part about it was that in the northern part of the country there was a surplus of food which was thrown away.

In the video we get to watch her as she goes back to Ethiopia to set up a commodity exchange so that Ethiopian farmers get access to the market all across Ethiopia- and with enough time, the world. This is an amazing documentary (and the only one I know of) showing a person developing a national commodities exchange from scratch.

If you want to see the whole video in full screen, go here:
